I am devouring another Romance Novel.
I found a box of them in an old storage shed
when Nana and Papaw bought land on Borders. We were exploring these strangers’
things that they just left here, and I came across this entire box full of
books. Most of the front covers are missing. Bookworms made little tunnels
through the pages. The back covers tell me they were 75 cents brand new back in
the early ‘80s.
I am in love.
I read about Marnie, a model turned recluse
after some tragedy or other, who is wooed out of her misery by a handsome,
stubborn contractor who won’t stand to see her so gloomy. And Rachel, whose
grandfather owned a game reserve in Australia that she surprisingly inherits
and so must deal with the argumentative albeit insanely attractive foreman.
I read them over and again. I cry when hearts
are broken or when another happy ending is resolved. I stay up until 2:00 am on
school nights because I can’t bear to sleep until I know that these wayward
lovers finally reconcile and live happily ever after.
On the bus, in study hall, at lunch time,
riding in the back of the car. I tune out the entire world and let my
imagination run away with these beautiful people in preposterous circumstances
who are destined to be in love. Pirates, vagabonds, kings… and the women who
love them.
My English teacher tells my family that she
was initially concerned that I read novels through her class each day, but that
my grades are good and I keep up with the assignments so she lets it slide. My
teammates on the basketball team show no interest in interrupting my silent
descent into these salacious stories, and for the most part I’m happy to not
have to awkwardly interact with them. When I have friends over, we read aloud and
giggle at the scandalous affairs, inappropriate dinner time behavior, and
blushing virgins who become vixens on their wedding nights.
In time, I get picky about my romance writers
and am no longer able to simply enjoy them like I used to. Some of the writing
is just too awful. I look back on that time, though, with fondness. I fell in
love so many times and lived so many stories and enjoyed it all so much.
Real life love, I soon learn, is not really
like the kind in books. Better to enjoy those fictional characters and their guaranteed
happiness than to risk too much of yourself when it comes to matters such as
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